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Success Stories

Transforming lives one at a time.

We are so proud of local participants in our programs and services who find their way to making a better future for themselves, their families, and the community-at-large.

These success stories exemplify the transformative impact of Goodwill Gulf Coast's mission to empower individuals through employment and education. From overcoming personal challenges to achieving professional milestones, these stories showcase the resilience, determination, and potential of individuals who have benefited from Goodwill's programs and services. Each success story is a testament to the power of opportunity, support, and second chances in helping individuals build brighter futures for themselves and their families.

In this collection, you can explore the journeys of individuals who have overcome adversity, acquired new skills, secured meaningful employment, and achieved personal and professional fulfillment with the help of Goodwill. These stories highlight the diverse backgrounds, experiences, and aspirations of Goodwill participants, illustrating our commitment to serving individuals from all walks of life and empowering them to reach their full potential. These stories serve as an inspiration and a reminder of the difference that compassionate support, hard work, and perseverance can make in the lives of individuals facing barriers to success.

Family with kids

LaKarla Mitchell

Child Development Center
Parents as Teachers (PAT) Program

“When my daughter Brayla was born, I was not new to parenting, to education or to Goodwill Gulf Coast,” LaKarla said. “My older two sons, now 16 and 14, attended the Child Development Center on this campus. I knew the excellent foundation they both received from the preschool program here.”

Brayla and son Draydon both experienced speech delays, and Draydon had other developmental delays also. “I began the search for the interventions they would need to make progress, and of course, I started with Goodwill,” she said.  Both children are now enrolled in Goodwill’s Child Development Center, and LaKarla receives resources from her Parents as Teachers (PAT) Parent Educator.

The change was almost immediate. Enrolled in the program in August 2022, by November Brayla was speaking short sentences. “I knew it was the attentive staff, therapists, and a rich learning environment that made this kind of a difference,” LaKarla explained.  “She has come so far! And now that Draydon is enrolled in both of these programs, I am seeing a complete 180-degree turnaround from last year.”

Guy in front of whiteboard

Alex Kelley

Workforce Development

When Alex was in 11th grade, he dropped out of high school and got a job instead. Then he got another job, and another until he was working three jobs – days, nights, and weekends. Stretched thin on time, he realized his situation wasn’t going to improve without a high school education.

Alex’s mother found Goodwill’s GED program and, after he got a better-paying job, he let go of his extra jobs and started classes. His Goodwill instructors helped him gain the credits to earn his diploma. Then he discovered he could take classes at Goodwill to earn his forklift certification. “Goodwill was with me every step, and gave me hope that this could work,” he said.

After getting a new job as a forklift operator at Chevron, Alex worked hard to establish a reputation as a team player. Since then, he has bought a house – and a new truck. “I can honestly say I don’t know where I would be without the help I got from Goodwill, because my life is so much better,” he said. Alex’s high school diploma opened doors and helped him gain a career.

Lady reading to kids

Megan Lasker

GED and Career Pathways Program

Megan Lasker dropped out of school at 16, the same day she attended her one and only day of high school. The next few years proved to be chaotic, with moves to several states. Eventually, Megan became homeless, then a single mom. Fortunately, after meeting a new friend and caretaker, she found Goodwill Gulf Coast’s GED program and earned her high school equivalency in 2009.

After working in the child care field, Megan was hired at Goodwill’s Child Development Center. She discovered she could earn a professional credential in Early Childhood Development through Goodwill’s Career Pathway program at no cost to her. Megan completed the classroom hours and the hands-on practicum, earning her Child Development Associate (CDA) credential in March 2023.

Megan’s life has changed for the better. “I am no longer a dropout, or homeless,” she said. “I am a graduate, and a professional. I love my job. I love the children I care for every day. I love my life. I could not have made it to here without the kindness of friends and the help of the people at Goodwill.”

Lady speaking at podium

Roshonda and Tizzy Buckley

Parents as Teachers (PAT) Program

Roshonda discovered the PAT Program and thought, “I need this for Tizzy!” she said. Her daughter Tizzy was a one-year-old when COVID occurred. “Tizzy was home instead of out playing. Her speech was delayed. Her social skills were behind. I noticed things would agitate her very quickly. What I didn’t know at the time, was how much of a difference PAT could make for Tizzy — and for me.”

“My parent educator came regularly to see us. She was full of ideas that made my life better from the start. She gave me ideas for calming tantrums and ways to avoid them altogether. We sang more, and read more books. I learned that when my child can’t express herself, I need to be the one to pay attention, figure it out, and help her manage her world.”

Roshonda knows more about child development than ever before and is grateful to Goodwill Gulf Coast. “I feel confident that I can help guide Tizzy in her education, that we can find her strong suit, what makes her happy, and make a bright future out of that.” 

Guy at computer

Dale Root

Digital Skills Program

After serving on several ships for the United States Navy, Dale Root decided he wanted to pursue a career in information technology. Using his GI Bill to pay for the tuition, he signed up to take courses. When his school in Albany, NY closed abruptly, Dale was devastated — floundering for a direction, not knowing where to turn next.

Dale did not give up. He found an opening for an Information Technology Support position at Goodwill Gulf Coast, and applied for the position. His supervisor not only hired him, he also connected Dale to a free course offered by Goodwill that would give Dale the credentials he would need to excel in his field. Dale enrolled in the Google IT Support Certification course through Goodwill Gulf Coast’s Digital Skills Program. He completed the course in less than three months, and has now completed his certification in Cyber Security.

Dale’s perseverance netted him a job in his field and the credentials to support his continued career growth, thanks to services available to him through Goodwill Gulf Coast’s Digital Skills Training. 

Guy at podium

Bailey Rector

Youth Excelling at Success (YES) Program

“I thought it would be easy, picking up a job and supporting myself,” Bailey said. “I found out pretty quickly that without a high school diploma, I wasn’t going to get very far.”

Bailey met a Goodwill Gulf Coast employee who was enrolled in the YES Program and decided to sign up. “I received so much help,” he said. “If I couldn’t make it to class, I would drop in when I could, and the teacher would send home materials for me to study. I received trainings like Forklift Certification and two manufacturing credentials.”

No matter how hard it got, Bailey knew it was worth it. “This program helped me so much I wish I had started sooner,” he said. “I also wish more people knew about it so they could benefit from it also. Because of this program, I now have my high school diploma, two training certifications, a better job, my own apartment, and I’m working on joining the Coast Guard. The staff at Goodwill was in my corner through everything. They gave me a real future, and I will always be grateful.”

Goodwill Gulf Coast serves 10 counties in Alabama and Florida.